

In our fast-paced lives, we often rely on external tools to carry the weight for us. We ask our coffee to be strong enough to wake us up and keep us going through endless tasks. We look to the sleeping pills when our minds refuse to rest, or to cigarettes to ease our stress. The TV keeps our children occupied while we manage a thousand things, and our phones often end up thinking for us—making choices, solving problems, or distracting us from the silence.

We ask so much of these tools because, deep down, we often feel unable to ask the same strength of ourselves. It’s not about weakness—it’s about time. We’re so busy trying to manage our lives, we forget to give ourselves the moments we need to grow, reflect, and face our vulnerabilities.


But what if we shifted that focus? What if we could be strong—not just in the face of challenges but in the way we nurture our own growth, appreciate what we have, and work on what’s missing?

“Be Strong” isn’t just a slogan; it’s a call to action. It’s about reclaiming that inner power, recognizing our own capacity to handle life’s ups and downs. It’s a reminder that the tools around us—coffee, gadgets, entertainment—can assist us, but they are not a substitute for the strength within.